How to Make a Light Burst Text Effect in Photoshop


In this tutorial, I’ll show you how to make a light burst text effect in Photoshop. Adding a light burst effect to your text can give it a brilliant, vibrant look that really pops off the canvas. While it may look complicated, this striking effect is actually pretty easy to create in Photoshop.



Light Burst Text Effect Video Tutorial


Creating a light burst text effect in Photoshop is a great way to make your designs look vibrant, energetic, and eye-catching. By utilizing just a couple of simple layer styles in Photoshop, you can easily achieve this striking look in a matter of minutes.

I trust the video provided both useful information and entertainment. Feel free to try out various images for distinct outcomes. Make sure to subscribe to my YouTube channel for the latest tutorial updates, ensuring you won’t miss any upcoming lessons. 🙂